
Showing posts from 2021

Pandora 11S RRTV

 Hello, Pandora 11s rrtv Hacking In this posts i will try to describe the steps taken to insert more games in pandora 11s rrtv First some pics of my pandora Pandora 11s rrtv, has an SD card. The First thing/step  i did was a backup of the card . Backing up the card is easy. Linux example: $ dd if=<YOUR SD DEVICE> of=/tmp/backup_pandora_sd_card.bin bs=512 of course /tmp/backup_pandora_sd_card.bin can be any file you want. if you use windows, you can also and should make a backup of you sd card Copy the backup to another card. ( my advice sandisk ultra, top white or red bottom grey,  or lexar top white bottom blue) $ dd  if=/tmp/backup_pandora_sd_card.bin  of=<NEW SD DEVICE>  bs=512 Test the backup sd card in pandora 11s rrtv, should boot and work. Second step Remove SD card lock protection Has you probably read, Pandora 11s rrdtv locks the sd cards in a read only mode to change the mode to read-write you must use a tool called sdtool ( the link...